Vernon Township
21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055
The Vernon Township Division of Planning and Zoning is within the Vernon Township Department of Planning/Land Use and Zoning and is staffed by a zoning officer.
This division’s primary responsibility is to provide assistance and guidance in the development of lands in Vernon Township pursuant to the land use ordinance, the master plan and New Jersey’s Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL). Its duties encompass everything from enforcing township codes and ordinances, including enforcement of the vacant/abandoned property registration requirement, to providing customer support to residents looking to make improvements to their properties.
The zoning officer’s role is primarily one of enforcement. It is his responsibility to ensure that any new construction or alteration to an existing structure is in compliance with the township’s zoning laws and the provisions of the land use ordinance.
So what exactly is meant by planning and zoning as it relates to a municipality?
The planning function assists the township in implementing and achieving the policies set forth in the master plan. It involves many tools including economic and demographic analysis, natural and cultural resource evaluation, goal-setting and ongoing examination of the township’s current and future economic development and growth.
Zoning is the legal mechanism by which the integrity of neighborhoods is preserved as it provides for the orderly growth and compatible use of land and buildings in a given area. This is achieved through enforcement of the land use ordinance which dictates how properties can be used, what types of buildings can be constructed, how much parking must be provided, where buildings can be constructed on the property, etc.
Vernon Township Planning and Zoning Department Steps for Obtaining a Zoning Permit
Complete the application in its entirety being specific to what is proposed i.e. new construction of a single-family home, addition, shed, porch, deck, hot tub, pool, etc. (with dimensions).
A location survey MUST accompany the zoning permit, regardless of what is being proposed. The survey must be of actual size (not photocopy to enlarge or minimize), and it must have the surveyors title block. On the survey, provide the location of what is being proposed with the dimensions and the setbacks being maintained.
The status of taxes for the property is required upon submission of the zoning permit application. This can be obtained from the Tax Collectors office. If the taxes are not paid and up-to-date, the zoning permit cannot be issued.
A copy of the building plans will be required to review the building height and any decks/porches being proposed for a new construction of single-family residences and or additions.
Upon submission of the zoning permit application, location survey and status of taxes, zoning permit fee is required, which is $50.00.
If the dimensions, setbacks, status of taxes are not provided or the zoning permit does not have a signature, the application will be deemed incomplete and a deficiency notice will be mailed to the owner. (This will delay the approval process.)
• TOWNSHIP ENGINEER (lot development plan, soils, driveway)
• BUILDING DEPARTMENT (construction permit requirements)
• COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (septic/well approvals)