YouTube video of the September 28, 2015 council meeting »

The meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Vernon was convened at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 28, 2015 in the Vernon Municipal Center, 21 Church Street, Vernon, New Jersey with Council President Patrick Rizzuto presiding.

Statement of Compliance

Adequate notice of this meeting had been provided to the public and the press on January 4, 2015, and was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-7.

Roll Call of Members

Present were Council Members Dan Kadish, Brian Lynch, Jean Murphy, Dick Wetzel and Council President Patrick Rizzuto. Also present were Mayor Victor Marotta and Township Attorney John Ursin.

Salute to the Flag

Council President Rizzuto led the assemblage in the salute to the flag.


Swearing-In of New Police Officers and Police Promotions

Council President Rizzuto asked if Chief Randy Mills, Police Officer Sean Perry and his family would like to come to the podium. The following oath was administered to Officer Perry:

I, Sean Perry, do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the Authority of the People. I do further solemnly affirm that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties as an Officer of the Vernon Township Police Department, according to the best of my ability, so help me God.

Council President Rizzuto asked if Chief Randy Mills and Cpl. David Dehardt and his family would like to come to the podium. The following oath was administered to Sgt. Dehardt:

I, David Dehardt, do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the Authority of the People. I do further solemnly affirm that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties as Sergeant of the Vernon Township Police Department, according to the best of my ability, so help me God.


Council President Rizzuto asked Council Member Brian Lynch to read the following proclamation for the record:

Recognizing Bells Across America

WHEREAS, being a firefighter is a very satisfying profession that is highly respected by children and adults alike; and

WHEREAS, firefighters stand for all that is good in our society which is why they are one of the few occupations to be welcomed into your homes without an appointment; and

WHEREAS, communities rely on their firefighters to solve many types of problems ranging from fires, floods, traffic accidents, and hazardous materials incidents, and more; and

WHEREAS, firefighters go through a rigorous training program so they can follow their dreams to serve their communities with the knowledge that the other members of their team have been equally trained and will look out for each other; and

WHEREAS, despite human instinct to run away from a fire for fear of being injured, firefighters are the only ones who run towards a burning building as they are willing to risk their lives for complete strangers regardless of race, creed, color, or socioeconomic status; and

WHEREAS, Bells Across America will be held during National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend held on October 3 and 4 to honor those fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice; and

WHEREAS, Vernon Township has been fortunate to not lose any firefighters in the line of duty while serving with our fire departments: Highland Lakes, McAfee, Pochuck Valley, and Vernon.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Vernon that it does hereby recognize all Fallen Firefighters.

Public Comment

Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to open the meeting for public comments.
Motion: Dan Kadish
Second: Brian Lynch
All members were in favor.

Krista Gerry, thanked Dan Kadish and Jean Murphy for always speaking the truth. Ms. Gerry said innuendo about Jean Murphy in uncalled for. Ms. Gerry stated she had gone to a funeral recently and all anyone is talking about is the VFW Veterans. Ms. Gerry stated she was sorry that Sally Rinker was not running for Mayor. Ms. Gerry stated that lies are being perpetuated and people condemn Sally but she has re-invented herself despite her critics and betrayals and false friends. Ms. Gerry opined that Sally would be the best person in office because of her fearlessness. Ms. Gerry suggested that people should take a good look in the mirror to see how the forces of revenge show on their faces.

Toni Chilli, Vernon. Ms. Chilli indicated she represented mothers in Vernon. Ms. Chillli stated she purchased her home in 2006 and it is currently worth 250,000 less than what she had paid for it. Ms. Chilli indicated that good schools raise home values, people think heroin and bad schools for Vernon. Ms. Chillli said the Township needs to work on the schools. Council President Rizzuto indicated the Council can pass her comments along to the Board of Education and the new school superintendent. Council President Rizzuto stated that himself, Council Member Wetzel and Mayor Marotta all had children who went through the schools and were successful.

Marika Bazone, Glenwood, indicated that the above comments should be directed to the school board and they may also suggest talking to the superintendent. Ms. Bazone indicated that she had home schooled her children because of concerns over drugs and drama in the schools. Ms. Bazone pointed out the Council does not have the authority over the schools; it is the Board of Education.

Gary Martinsen, Vernon stated that at the last Council meeting a comment had been passed about removing the link to Vernon Vibes in connection with freedom of speech. Mr. Martinsen stated the link on the website is wrong and the show is political and has campaigning in it. Mr. Martinsen stated United Water is a sponsor of the show and now there is an ordinance for United Water. Mr. Martinsen objected to Vernon Vibes being on the front page of the web-page, he said he felt it could be still on the web-page but not there. Mayor Marotta indicated Mr. Martinsen’s comments sounded political.

Sally Rinker, Vernon stated the VFW petition was submitted and a motion was made to accept it. Ms. Rinker indicated that at the September 14 Council meeting the petition was presented to the Council. Ms. Rinker stated that, if within 20 days, the Council did not adopt the ordinance it shall be submitted as a question on the ballot. Ms. Rinker opined that on September 15, the Clerk had a duty to submit the question to the ballot and the township attorney had no standing to interfere or obstruct that path. Ms. Rinker stated the Township Attorney cannot say that the Council has no authority on the subject of the petition and there should be no double talk or back tracking. Ms. Rinker expressed dismay about this being stalled and indicted that issues like this shed a negative light upon the town.

Beverly Budz, Vernon, thanked former Mayor Sally Rinker for advising her in 2011 to accept the appointment to the Environmental Commission. Ms. Budz, who is currently the Chair of the Environmental Commission, stated that after she had been appointed she had been advised that Mayor Rinker had been invited on more than one occasion by the Tennessee Gas Pipe Line representatives to learn about the impact of the pipeline in Vernon. Ms. Budz claimed that Ms. Rinker had declined all these invitations. Ms. Budz thanked Mayor Marotta for her appointment as Chair. Ms. Budz stated she has been working to correct the devastation from the gas pipeline and the Township has received the no-net loss grant because of these efforts. Ms. Budz stated they planted 102 trees with the first grant and they just secured a second grant of more than $300,000. Ms. Budz stated they will be receiving the first delivery of the new trees and thanked the State Park, Wildlife Refuge, and Mayor Marotta. Ms. Budz stated currently Vernon has 53,000 less trees than they did in 2010 before the pipe line but thanks to these grants they are reforesting Vernon.

Council Member Murphy stated she wanted to comment. Council Member Murphy stated that on September 9, Township Attorney Ursin had drafted a letter to the Council stating that he recommended that the Council not take action at the September 14 meeting regarding the VFW petition. Council Member Murphy stated that Attorney Ursin also said the subject matter of the petition was not in the Council’s jurisdiction and the Council did not have the authority to enact the initiative petition on behalf of the VFW. Council Member Murphy stated that after asking the attorney, she had made a motion at the meeting to accept the petition from the Clerk and to list it for second reading; it received a two - two vote. Council Member Murphy said by not adopting the Ordinance, it must be sent to the ballot. Council Member Murphy stated nothing allows the Clerk to exercise discretion, the petition must go to the voters. Council Member Murphy stated that in her opinion Attorney Ursin was interfering with the Clerk’s duties, the Council did not authorize him to do so. Council Member Murphy said in order to avoid litigation and a costly special election she was asking her fellow Council Members to join her in asking the Clerk to call the County Clerk to get the cost to reprint the ballots. Attorney Ursin stated the comments from the public and the Council-woman are plainly erroneous, and are assuming there is no defect in the petition. Attorney Ursin said if the petition had no defects that both comments would be correct and that a certified petition free of defect would either be adopted by the Council or submitted by the Clerk to the ballot. Attorney Ursin continued that what all the comments are purposefully ignoring is that there is an overwhelming defect in the petition that was explained at some length by his comments at the last meeting. Attorney Ursin stated that it was his opinion that the petition was defective, making the Clerk under no obligation, and in fact it would be erroneous, for the Clerk to send the petition to the County Clerk. Attorney Ursin stated in his opinion the Clerk is taking the correct action. Council Member Murphy stated that if it was Attorney Ursin’s opinion that the petition was defective, he should have said that prior to the Council taking a vote. Attorney Ursin stated if you looked at the record from the last meeting he spoke about the defect at length prior to the vote. Council Member Murphy indicated that the Council did not take Attorney Ursin’s advice; that they voted on accepting the petition and sending it to the ballot. Council Member Murphy stated Attorney Ursin was circumventing the Council’s vote. Attorney Ursin indicated that was not the case. Attorney Ursin pointed to the fact that at no time was the petition free from defects; the vote was to have a first reading. Attorney Ursin also stated at no time did his opinion change as to whether or not the petition was free of defects because the petition was invalid on its face for strictly legal reasons and that had nothing to do with the motion. Attorney Ursin indicated that first you must determine that the petition is free of defects before you can go forward and submit it. Council Member Murphy stated the defect was pointed out after the vote was taken and should have come up before. Council Member Murphy indicated the Council should have voted on the legal analysis. Council President Rizzuto stated the Council had asked the Attorney for his legal opinion on this matter. Council President Rizzuto stated none of the members of the Council were law school graduates and he was not about to make a decision against the advice of Counsel and even if we wanted to adopt this ordinance it was out of the Council’s jurisdiction. Council President Rizzuto stated we don’t have that right; that is why we voted no. Council President Rizzuto also cautioned against setting a dangerous precedent in the community by waiving fees when it was not permitted. Council Member Kadish called for a point of order, indicating this was not Council comments. Council Member Murphy stated the Council should go back and listen to the recording of the last meeting.

Closed to Public Comments

Seeing no more members of the public wishing to speak, Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to close the public portion of the meeting.
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Dick Wetzel
All members were in favor.

Approval of Minutes

It was moved and seconded as noted below to approve the following minutes:

Regular Meeting Minutes of August 24, 2015

Moved: Dan Kadish
Seconded: Brian Lynch

A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Dan Kadish, Brian Lynch, Jean Murphy, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None

Motion carried to approve minutes.

Consent Agenda

Council President Rizzuto gave a brief explanation of Resolutions #15-159 - #15-166.

Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to adopt Resolutions #15-159 - #15-166.

Moved: Brian Lynch
Seconded: Dick Wetzel

A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Dan Kadish, Brian Lynch, Jean Murphy, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None

Motion carried to adopt Resolutions #15-159- #15-166.

Resolution #15-159: Authorizing the Cancellation of Outstanding Checks Over Six Months Old to Municipal Cash Balances

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has determined that the following Township checks have been outstanding for a period in excess of six months:

Municipal Court General Account:

Check No.Date WrittenTo WhomAmount
1926 08/05/2014 Nestor Alvia-Meen $1.00
1927 08/05/2014 Gary Robinson $150.00
1928 08/05/2014 Jessica Cassidy $2.00
1938 09/12/2014 Ryan Moravcik $00.33
1996 03/09/2015 Russell Vanatta, Jr. $125.00
    TOTAL $278.33

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the above outstanding checks be restored to the Township cash balances.

Resolution #15-160: Authorizing Contract for 2015 Recording Secretary for the Land Use Board in the Amount Not to Exceed $600.00

WHEREAS, the current Land Use Board Recording Secretary, Colleen Ragnetti, has submitted her resignation letter effective September 9, 2015 and Vernon Township wishes to fill the position as soon as possible for the remainder of 2015; and

WHEREAS, Vernon Township desires to enter into a contract with Carole Baksa for services of Land Use Board Recording Secretary; and

WHEREAS, the term of this agreement is from September 10, 2015 - December 31, 2015 with a contract price not to exceed $600.00; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available for this purpose in the 2015 Municipal Budget.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, this 24th day of September, 2015 by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex and State of New Jersey as follows:

  1. The Township of Vernon is authorized to enter into a contract with Carole Baksa for Land Use Board Recording Secretary for the term of September 10 - December 31, 2015.
  2. The Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Carole Baksa.

A copy of this Resolution shall be published in the New Jersey Herald by the Municipal Clerk as required by law and a true copy of same and the Contract shall be available for inspection in the office of the Municipal Clerk.

Resolution #15-161: Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not Exceeding $1,743,670 Bond Anticipation Notes of the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey


Section 1. Pursuant to a bond ordinance of the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex (herein called “local unit”) entitled: “Bond ordinance providing for the restructuring of a portion of the cost of acquisition of capacity at the sanitary sewage treatment plant of the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority by the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, appropriating $2,800,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $2,666,000 bonds or notes of the Township for financing such appropriation,” finally adopted on November 14, 2011 (#11-23), Bond Anticipation Notes of the local unit in a principal amount not exceeding $1,743,670 shall be issued for the purpose of temporarily financing the improvement or purpose described in Section 3 of said bond ordinance, including (to any extent necessary) the renewal of any Bond Anticipation Notes heretofore issued therefor.

Section 2. The following matters in connection with said Bond Anticipation Notes are hereby determined:

All notes issued hereunder shall mature at such times as may be determined by the chief financial officer or the interim chief financial officer (the “chief financial officer”) of the local unit, provided that no note issued pursuant to Section 1 shall mature later than (i) one year from the date of the first such note issued pursuant to the respective ordinances referred to in said Sections, and (ii) three years from the date of the first note issued pursuant to each such respective ordinance unless the local unit shall have paid and retired amounts of such notes sufficient to allow it, in accordance with provisions of Section 40A:2-8 of the Local Bond Law, to renew a portion thereof beyond the third anniversary date of the first of such notes;

All notes issued hereunder shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be determined by the chief financial officer of the local unit; and

The notes shall be in the form prescribed by resolution heretofore adopted by the governing body of this local unit determining the form of Bond Anticipation Notes issued pursuant to the Local Bond Law, and any such notes may be signed or sealed by officers of the local unit in any manner permitted by Section 40A:2-25 of said Local Bond Law notwithstanding that said form or resolution may otherwise provide.

Section 3. The chief financial officer of the local unit is hereby authorized and directed to determine all matters in connection with said notes not determined by this or a subsequent resolution, and the chief financial officer’s signature upon said notes shall be conclusive as to such determinations.

Section 4. The chief financial officer of the local unit is hereby authorized to sell said Bond Anticipation Notes from time to time at public or private sale in such amounts as the chief financial officer may determine at not less than par and to deliver the same from time to time to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of payment of the purchase price plus accrued interest from their dates to the date of delivery thereof and payment therefor.

Section 5. Any instrument issued pursuant to this resolution shall be a general obligation of the local unit, and the local unit’s faith and credit are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said obligations and, unless otherwise paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient for such payment shall be inserted in the budget and a tax sufficient to provide for the payment thereof shall be levied and collected.

Section 6. The chief financial officer of the local unit is authorized and directed to report in writing to the governing body at the meeting next succeeding the date when any sale or delivery of notes pursuant to this resolution is made, such report to include the amount, description, interest rate and maturity of the notes sold, the price obtained and the name of the purchaser.

Section 7. The chief financial officer of the local unit is hereby authorized and directed to do all other matters necessary, useful, convenient or desirable to accomplish the delivery of said notes to the purchasers thereof as promptly as possible, including (i) the preparation, execution and dissemination of a Preliminary Official Statement and Final Official Statement with respect to said notes, (ii) preparation, distribution and publication, if necessary, of a Notice of Sale with respect to said notes, (iii) execution of a Continuing Disclosure Undertaking, with respect to said notes in accordance with Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and (iv) execution of an arbitrage and use of proceeds certificate certifying that, among other things, the local unit, to the extent it is empowered and allowed under applicable law, will do and perform all acts and things necessary or desirable to assure that interest paid on said notes is not included in gross income under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Section 8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

Resolution #15-162: Authorizing the Use of Morris County Co-Op Contract #36 for Traffic Stripping for Proposed Improvements of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II

WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon has a need for Traffic Striping for Proposed Improvements of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II; and

WHEREAS, Vernon Township desires to use the Morris County Cooperative Council which has publicly received bids for said services through Contract #36; and

WHEREAS, the Vernon Township Engineer recommends the Township Council award the contract for the Traffic Striping of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II using the vendor Denville Line Painting, 2 Green Pond Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866, subject to the final approval from the New Jersey Department of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, the total cost of the contract will be $14,755.00 and the Chief Financial Officer of the Township of Vernon has certified these funds are available in Account#3095734.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon that the vendor, Denville Line Painting, be utilized for the Traffic Striping improvements for Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II, through the Morris County Co-Op contract #36 at a cost not to exceed $14,755.00.

This Resolution shall take effect immediately according to law.

Resolution #15-163: Authorizing the Use of Morris County Co-Op Contract #6 for Paving for Proposed Improvements of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II

WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon has a need for Paving Services for Proposed Improvements of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II; and

WHEREAS, Vernon Township desires to use the Morris County Cooperative Council which has publicly received bids for said services through Contract #6; and

WHEREAS, the Vernon Township Engineer recommends the Township Council award the contract for the Paving Services of Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II using the vendor Tilcon NY, Inc., 625 Mt. Hope Road, Wharton, NJ 07885, subject to the final approval from the New Jersey Department of Transportation; and

WHEREAS, the total cost of the contract will be $455,373.75 and the Chief Financial Officer of the Township of Vernon has certified these funds are available in Account#3095853.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon that the vendor, Tilcon NY Inc., be utilized for the Paving Improvements for Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II, through the Morris County Co-Op contract #6 at a cost not to exceed $477,373.75.

This Resolution shall take effect immediately according to law.

Resolution #15-164: Resolution Authorizing the Application to Participate in the Electronic Tax Sale Program

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A 54:5-19.1 authorizes electronic tax sales pursuant to rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Director of the Division of Government Services, and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Division of Local Government Services has promulgated rules and regulations for pilot programs, and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Division of Local Government Services has approved NJ Tax Lien Investors/ to conduct pilot programs, and

WHEREAS, the rules and regulations authorize a municipality to submit an application for participation in the pilot program for an electronic tax sale, and

WHEREAS, an electronic tax sale is innovative and provides a greater pool of potential lien buyers, thus creating the environment for a more complete tax sales process, and

WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon wishes to participate in the pilot program for an electronic tax sale.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing body of the Township of Vernon, New Jersey, that the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to complete an application to participate in the electronic tax sale program and submit same to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Resolution #15-165: Authorizing the Award of Contract for Guiderails Proposed Improvements to Lake Wallkill—Sections I & II

WHEREAS, there is a need for Guiderail Improvements to Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II within Vernon Township;

WHEREAS, the Township has issued specifications and contract documents soliciting formal bids for the necessary work;

WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon opened 3 bid(s) for the proposed Guiderail Improvements on September 24, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.; and

WHEREAS, 3 bid(s) were received and reviewed by the Township Engineer Cory Stoner for the specified bid requirements; and

WHEREAS, after review, the lowest bidder did fully meet the bid requirements and is recommended to be awarded the contract to Roadway Safety Systems, LLC, 1 Linda Lane, Suite D, Vincentown, NJ 08088 in the amount of $39,994.00; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified funds available for this purpose in Account #3095734.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, to award the bid to Road Safety Systems, LLC for the completion of Guiderail Improvements to Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II within Vernon Township.

This Resolution shall take effect immediately according to law.

Resolution #15-166: Authorizing the Award of Contract for Reclamation Proposed Improvements to Lake Wallkill—Sections I & II

WHEREAS, there is a need for Reclamation for Proposed Improvements to Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II within Vernon Township;

WHEREAS, the Township has issued specifications and contract documents soliciting formal bids for the necessary work;

WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon opened 1 bid for the proposed Reclamation on September 24, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.; and

WHEREAS, 1 bid was received and reviewed by the Township Engineer Cory Stoner for the specified bid requirements; and

WHEREAS, after review, the lowest bidder did fully meet the bid requirements and is recommended to be awarded the contract to Reclamation, LLC, P.O. Box 292, West Hurley, NY 12491 in the amount of $111,858.00; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified funds available for this purpose in Account #3095853.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, to award the bid to Reclamation, LLC for the Reclamation for the Proposed Improvements to Lake Wallkill Road Sections I & II within Vernon Township.

This Resolution shall take effect immediately according to law.

Introduction/1st Reading of Ordinances

Council President Rizzuto read Ordinance #15-24 by title:

Ordinance #15-24: An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, Providing for the Municipal Consent of the Township for United Water New Jersey Inc., to Provide Water Service to Block 263, Lots 1, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 in the Township of Vernon and for the Laying of Pipes and the Installation of Other Utility Facilities as May Be Necessary

Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to introduce Ordinance #15-24 with a public hearing to be held on October 15, 2015.
Moved: Dan Kadish
Seconded: Brian Lynch

Council Member Murphy questioned if there was any conflict between Mayor Marotta signing the Ordinance and United Water. Attorney Ursin stated he was not aware of any.

A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Dan Kadish, Brian Lynch, Jean Murphy, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None

Motion carried to introduce Ordinance #15-24 with a public hearing to be held on October 15, 2015.

Public Hearing/2nd Reading of Ordinances


Council Comments

Council Member Murphy indicated that the $5,000 donation that had been solicited by Mayor Marotta on behalf of the VFW was for quarterly sewer fees and had nothing to do with the sewer connection fees. Council Member Murphy questioned what had been going on with the fire department budget. Council Member Lynch stated he would be meeting with them on Thursday. Discussion ensued amongst the Council about whether this topic was under the purvey of the Council or Administration and whom should be discussing it.

Council Member Kadish indicated that the petition was corrected to a point that there were no defects; it was not the petition that was defective; it is the Council that is defective as it was opined that this issue is outside the Council’s jurisdiction.

Council Member Lynch had no comment.

Council Member Wetzel stated he was not happy to hear the comments about the school. Council Member Wetzel stated he was a teacher for 30 years and he was very proud of the school. Council Member Wetzel stated the results have been outstanding as far as the number of students who have tested positive for drugs, comments about drugs are just innuendo. Council Member Wetzel said he had four children go through the Vernon schools and they did well. Council Member Wetzel said however, if you chose not to send your children to Vernon schools that is your choice.

Council President Rizzuto stated that Vernon was one of the few schools that had random drug testing. Council President Rizzuto stated that the VFW would be hosting a concert on October 10, the cost of the tickets was $20 and he asked that everyone come out and support the VFW. Council President Rizzuto stated the Bells Across America Mass for fallen firefighters would be at St. Thomas Church at 9:15 a.m. this upcoming Sunday.


There being no further items of business to be conducted on the agenda, a motion for Adjournment was made by Council Member Wetzel, seconded by Council President Rizzuto with all members voting in favor.

The Regular Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Vernon was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Kirkman, RMC, CMR
Municipal Clerk

Minutes approved: November 9, 2015