The Regular Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Vernon was convened at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 14, 2013 in the Vernon Municipal Center, 21 Church Street, Vernon, New Jersey.
Statement of Compliance
Adequate notice of this meeting had been provided to the public and the press on January 11, 2013, and was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-7.
Roll Call of Members
Present were Council Members Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, and Council President Patrick Rizzuto. Also present were Mayor Vic Marotta, CFO Elke Yetter, and Township Attorney Kevin Kelly.
Presentation of Colors and Salute to the Flag
The Presentation of Colors was performed by members of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1002.
Wall of Honor
Council President Rizzuto gave the floor to Marie Dunn who explained about the Wall of Honor Project that she put together to honor Vernon’s service members from all service branches going back as far as possible to current members. The Wall of Honor photos were available for anyone to view in the hallway just off the Council Meeting room.
Council Member Lynch spoke about the experiences veterans endured over the years. He noted that while he had not served, he thanked each member, every veteran, and included the families of those members for all their sacrifices of time, and too often the ultimate sacrifice.
Council Member Dunn also spoke about his gratitude for the veterans as well as his experiences in the service to our country.
Chief Roy Wherry Retirement
The Mayor presented a plaque to Chief Roy Wherry on his retirement from the Police Department after 38 years served. He remarked that the Historical Society had claimed that the Chief is historic! Jessi Paladini spoke on behalf of the Historical Society, and presented the Chief a plaque as well. Mayor Marotta spoke warmly of the Chief noting that he got to know Roy back in the 80s during the Mayor’s first go-round in politics when Roy was a “young, trim officer.” The Mayor added that “in the past 2-1/2 years, the Chief has taken our Police Department to the next level and prepared it to becoming one of the premier Police Departments in the County. His men love him and so do I. I’m going to miss him.”
Mayor Marotta read the plaque: “This is presented to Chief Roy Wherry of the Vernon Police Department in recognition of your 38 years of service to the people of Vernon Township. Your loyalty and dedication is sincerely appreciated. Thank you from the Mayor, members of the Township Council, and more importantly the citizens of Vernon Township.”
Chief Wherry thanked the Mayor and Council, noting “about all I can say about the last 38 years is that it’s been a hell of a ride.” He thanked “the members of the Police Department, both past and present. The Mayor spoke about all the accomplishments of the Police Department—well it hasn’t been me, but all these police officers you see here and everybody pulling together. I feel I am leaving Chief Mills with the absolute best Police Department. I am 100% confident that he’s going to make it better. Thank you very much.”
Chief Arthur Randy Mills
Mayor Marotta presented the new Chief of Police, Arthur (Randy) Mills. Randy’s family was present while he took his oath of office. He introduced his wife of 27 years, Irene, his oldest son Brad, his daughter Jessica, and younger son Brian.
Mayor Marotta administered the Oath of Office to the new Police Chief.
The Mayor noted that there was a huge drug bust the previous night in Vernon.
Police Promotion of Brian Jernick to Lieutenant
The Mayor nominated Police Officer Brian Jernick to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Mayor Marotta spoke about Brian, noting the following information:
“He began his police career in 1990 in the Nutley Police Department, and came to Vernon Township in 1995. He worked 3-1/2 years as an undercover narcotics agent in the Narcotics Task Force. Then after returning to patrol in Vernon, he was assigned to the Detective’s Bureau in 2000. Brian was promoted to Detective Sergeant. He has headed up our Detective’s Bureau now for almost 3 years. Anyone who knows him knows he will be an outstanding lieutenant. So I place his nomination for rank of Lieutenant for a vote by Council at this time.”
The Council President asked for a motion approving the promotion of Officer Jernick to Lieutenant:
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Eddie Dunn
All members present were in favor.
His wife, Nancy, father and children were present while he took his oath of office, administered by the Mayor.
All Council members expressed their congratulations to Lt. Jernick.
Public Comments
Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to open the meeting for public comment.
Motion: Dick Wetzel
Second: Eddie Dunn
All members present were in favor.
Council President Rizzuto called a 5 minute recess to allow the families of the Police Officers to exit the meeting room.
Gary Martinsen—thanked the Board of Education and the Council candidates for running. He congratulated those that won. He noted the different positions of the candidates, and gave a breakdown of election results by districts.
Jean Murphy—thanked the Mayor and Council for sending her letters of congratulations. She asked for pertinent information going forward.
Mary Ellen Vichiconti—noted the article on adoption on the front page of today’s Herald, and that the President had declared November as National Adoption Month. She pointed out that November 23 is National Adoption Day.
Phyllis MacPeek—spoke about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for veterans, and noted a program she saw over the weekend on this subject promoting help that is available.
Closed to Public Comments
Seeing no one else from the public wishing to speak, Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting.
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Brian Lynch
All members present were in favor.
Mayor’s Comments
Mayor Marotta reported on the following items:
- He noted that he had attended a recent spaghetti dinner by the Ladies Auxiliary. They showed him the condition of the rear of the VFW parking lot off Rte. 94. He explained that the DOT has undermined this area by the catch basin, by not maintaining their drains/pipes. The DOT has determined that the Township owns the drains/catch basin. The Mayor asked Council about writing a letter to Sen. Oroho to put pressure on the DOT and to use our vacuum truck to clean out the drains. He hoped to have a resolution ready for the next meeting.
- Monday, November 18 will be the last day for Darren Maloney as our Qualified Purchasing Agent. Mr. Maloney will be leaving Vernon to become the CFO for Randolph Township. He noted that Mr. Maloney had also provided CFO and Purchasing services for Sussex Borough as a shared service. He advised that there is a member of our staff who is finishing course work to become a QPA.
- The Sussex County Tax Administrator sent a letter to the Mayor and Council on the annual tax lists of municipalities in the County. They invited the Mayor, Council, and Tax Assessor to a meeting on November 18, 2013, at 9:30am for a discussion on uniformity in tax lists. He advised that it is important to attend to hopefully head off another re-valuation.
- He advised that evaluations of non-union employees are completed, and that he would provide a list of proposed performance payments for the December meeting.
Council Member Lynch asked the Mayor if Vernon had reached out to Sen. Oroho on the VFW matter. The Mayor responded that he had wanted Council’s input before he did so.
Council President asked for a motion to have the Vernon Vacuum Truck go to clean out the drains at the VFW.
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Dick Wetzel
All were in favor.
Approval of Minutes
The Council President asked for a motion to approve the October 17, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes:
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Dick Wetzel
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Dan Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: Eddie Dunn
The minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 17, 2013 were approved.
Consent Agenda
Council President Rizzuto explained Resolutions #13-203 through #13-210.
Council Member Kadish asked to separate out Resolutions #13-206 and #13-207.
Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolutions #13-203 through #13-205, and #13-208 through #13-210:
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Brian Lynch
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch*, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: *Brian Lynch (#13-209 and #13-210)
Resolutions #13-203 through #13-205, and #13-208 through #13-210 were adopted.
Resolution #13-203: Transfer Resolution—Balance Transfers
WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon Municipal Budget requires certain modifications to cover potential expenses that may occur in excess of the original budget.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon that the following Transfer of Appropriations (2013 Municipal Budget) in accordance with N.J.S.A 40A-58/59 are hereby approved.
FROM: | TO: | ||
Current Budget: | Current Budget: | ||
Municipal Services Act | $45,000.00 | ||
Workers’ Compensation Insurance | 29,000.00 | ||
Group Insurance–Major Medical | 65,750.00 | ||
Group Insurance–Prescriptions | 36,000.00 | ||
Buildings & Grounds–OE | 5,000.00 | ||
Building Dept–S&W | 10,000.00 | ||
Police–S&W | 10,000.00 | ||
Radio Communications–S&W | 10,000.00 | ||
General Administration–S&W | 9,000.00 | ||
Total Current Budget Transfers | $219,750.00 | ||
Road Repairs & Maintenance–OE | $50,000.00 | ||
Other Insurance–Deductibles | 26,000.00 | ||
General Administration–OE | 22,750.00 | ||
Legal–OE | 10,000.00 | ||
Municipal Prosecutor | 1,000.00 | ||
Defined Contribution Retirement Plan | 1,000.00 | ||
Municipal Clerk–S&W | 5,000.00 | ||
Collection of Taxes–S&W | 14,000.00 | ||
Tax Assessment–S&W | 3,000.00 | ||
Fleet Management–S&W | 2,500.00 | ||
Buildings & Grounds–S&W | 12,500.00 | ||
Road Repairs & Maintenance–S&W | 11,500.00 | ||
Land Use Board–S&W | 5,500.00 | ||
Land Use Board–OE | 35,000.00 | ||
Police–OE | 20,000.00 | ||
Total Current Budget Transfers | $219,750.00 | Total Current Budget Transfers | $219,750.00 |
Resolution #13-204: Resolution to Award a Contract to H and H Auto Parts Using the US Communities Contract (#1101149)
WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon has a need to purchase auto and truck parts; and
WHEREAS, NJSA 52:34-6.2 et seq., allows local contracting units to utilize national cooperative contracts as a method of procurement when cost effective; and
WHEREAS, US Communities is a national cooperative which awarded a contract to Car Quest, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, H and H Auto Parts is a recognized retailer of Car Quest auto parts; and
WHEREAS, the Qualified Purchasing Agent has determined that using the US Communities contract to purchase auto and truck parts may, in some instances, be more cost effective than utilizing the state contract or a competitively bid contract recently awarded by the Township; and
WHEREAS, the Qualified Purchasing Agent has also determined that the US Communities contract (#1101149) was awarded in a fair and open process; and
WHEREAS, this contract expires on August 31, 2014, with an option to renew for an additional three (3) years, at the discretion of US Communities.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Council awards a contract to H and H Auto, 287 Route 94, Vernon, New Jersey 07462 using the US Communities contract #1101149.
Resolution #13-205: Authorizing the Use of the Sussex County Cooperative Contract (#CK03-SXC) to Purchase Rock Salt during 2013 until May 31, 2014
WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon has a need to purchase rock salt for the safety of its streets and roads; and
WHEREAS, the Township intends to use the Sussex County Cooperative Contract (#CK03-SXC) which has publicly received bids for rock salt and awarded a contract during November 2013 to International Salt Company, via the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders; and
WHEREAS, the total price to purchase this rock salt is $49.79 per ton; and
WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent recommends that the Township Council award a contract for rock salt, under the terms and conditions of the Sussex County Cooperative Contract, using the vendor, International Salt Company, 655 Northern Boulevard, Clarks Summit PA 18411.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, that the vendor, International Salt Company, be utilized to purchase rock salt, in accordance with the attached document, at a price of $49.79 per ton; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to NJAC 5:30-5.5(b), shall certify amounts chargeable to this contract at the time when such goods or services are ordered or otherwise called for; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption according to law.
Resolution #13-208: Authorizing Extension of the 2013 Municipal Alliance Grant Agreement with the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse through the County of Sussex from January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 in the Amount of $10,233.50
WHEREAS, the New Jersey Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse established the Municipal Alliances for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents, local government and law enforcement officials, schools, non-profit organizations, the faith community, parents, youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse in communities throughout New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages, and therefore has an established Municipal Alliance Committee; and
WHEREAS, $20,467.00 was approved for a Municipal Alliance grant for the January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 grant term; and
WHEREAS, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse extended the 2013 Grant term until June 30, 2014, in order to transition the grant to a fiscal year cycle; and
WHEREAS, funding has been made available to the Vernon Municipal Alliance Committee in the amount of $10,233.50 which represents 50% of its approved 2013 grant total for the six-month extension period to June 30, 2014, contingent upon meeting the 25% cash match and 75% in-kind match grant requirement for the extension funding.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Council does hereby authorize the submission of the grant extension for the Vernon Municipal Alliance Committee grant in the total amount of:
DEDR | $30,700.50 |
Cash Match | $7,675.50 |
In-Kind | $23,025.00 |
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township of Vernon acknowledges the terms and conditions for administering the Municipal Alliance grant, including the administration compliance and audit requirements.
Resolution #13-209: Approving Volunteer Firefighter Active Membership and Membership in the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association
WHEREAS, the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department has selected Anthony Giovino for active membership, and
WHEREAS, the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department has requested municipal approval from the Township Council of the Township of Vernon for said appointment; and
WHEREAS, the Township Council recognizes the extraordinary contributions made by volunteer firefighters to our community and seeks to encourage their full participation in professional organizations; and
WHEREAS, Anthony Giovino is requesting approval to submit an application for membership to the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, Sussex County, New Jersey hereby approves Anthony Giovino for active membership to the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department and in the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association.
Resolution #13-210: Approving Volunteer Firefighter Active Membership
WHEREAS, the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department has selected Robert Michael Shirhall for active membership on transfer from Vernon Volunteer Fire Department, and
WHEREAS, the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department has requested municipal approval from the Township Council of the Township of Vernon for said appointment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, Sussex County, New Jersey, that the application for active membership by Robert Michael Shirhall to the McAfee Volunteer Fire Department is hereby approved.
Mr. Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolution #13-207:
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Brian Lynch
Council Member Kadish asked about the basis for vacation time. Mayor Marotta responded that it was based on 12 hours.
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Resolution #13-207 was adopted.
Resolution #13-207: Authorizing the Township of Vernon, New Jersey to Enter into an Employment Contract for the Position of Chief of Police and Authorizing the Execution of Said Contract by the Mayor of the Township of Vernon
WHEREAS, the Township Council approved the appointment of Arthur R. Mills as Chief of Police in Resolution #13-179 on September 9, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon hereby agrees to enter into an Employment Agreement with Arthur R. Mills, which shall govern the terms and conditions of employment and compensation for the position of Chief of Police subject to the laws of the State of New Jersey; and
WHEREAS, Arthur R. Mills has agreed to enter into an Employment Agreement with the Township of Vernon for the position of Chief of Police.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, and State of New Jersey as follows:
- The Township Council hereby authorizes the Employment Agreement between the Township and Arthur R. Mills, Chief of Police, effective on November 1, 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- The Mayor of the Township of Vernon is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the attached Employment Agreement on behalf of the Township.
- This resolution shall take effect immediately.
- A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Township Clerk at the Municipal Building for inspection by the public.
Mr. Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolution #13-206:
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Brian Lynch
Council Member Kadish asked for an explanation of this Resolution. Mayor Marotta advised that the details of the agreement are based on our experience rating (i.e. the number of claims) with a 2% increase in health benefits due to the Affordable Care Act. He noted that $81,700.00 is the result to underwrite the cost of Obamacare.
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Resolution #13-206 was adopted.
Resolution #13-206: A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of Horizon for Health and Prescription Coverage
WHEREAS, there exists a need for Health and Prescription coverage services for the employees of the Township of Vernon; and
WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1, et seq., particularly N.J.S.A. 40A11-5(1)(m) specifically provides that insurance, including insurance consulting services, is not subject to the requirements of public bidding; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Vernon wishes to renew all health insurance and prescription service coverages with Horizon; and
WHEREAS, the Health Insurance Broker of Record, RHM Benefits, will be the sole representative for the Township of Vernon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey, as follows:
- The Mayor of the Township of Vernon is hereby authorized to sign the Health Rate Renewal Summary page and the Prescription Rate Renewal Summary page.
- This coverage shall be for the period of January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to RHM Benefits.
Mr. Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolution #13-211, Opposing S-2679/A-4099:
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Dick Wetzel
Council Member Lynch advised that communities need to decide what is a best fit for themselves, and that Vernon is already a model for shared services.
Mayor Marotta noted that he had sat in on many discussions on this subject.
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Resolution #13-211 was adopted.
Resolution #13-211: Resolution Opposing S-2679/A-4099 Amendments to Optional Municipal Consolidation Process
WHEREAS, S-2679/A-4099 is intended to promote municipal consolidation by increasing the flexibility, clarity, and available tools pursuant to the “Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act,” in order to encourage more municipal consolidations, whenever such consolidations might achieve greater efficiencies in municipal government to rein in property taxes; and
WHEREAS, under the terms of this initiative, the applicants for consolidation would be allowed to develop their own process for the equalization of property assessments in the new municipality, subject to the approval of the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of Treasury; and
WHEREAS, districts based on old or newly established boundaries with unique planning mechanisms, services, and ordinances would be permitted in the new municipality; and
WHEREAS, existing debt, or debt newly created by any financial arrangement between any or all of the former municipalities in the furtherance of any aspect of the consolidation plan, could be apportioned among the taxpayers of the consolidating municipalities as debt within special taxing districts in any manner that the parties mutually agree upon in the consolidation plan; and
WHEREAS, severance pay would be authorized for employees of the consolidating municipalities if they are to be terminated by the new municipality to encourage them to stay in their positions until the consolidation is effectuated; and
WHEREAS, the required joint public hearing on applications for consideration of a consolidation plan or to create a Municipal Consolidation Study Commission could be held at the same time as one of the individual municipal public hearings; and
WHEREAS, the Vernon Township Council commends the sponsors for their efforts on this and could readily support those above-referenced amendments; but
WHEREAS, under other sections of the initiative, the fiscal study of a consolidation currently required to be prepared by the Department of Community Affairs would be made discretionary; and
WHEREAS, the voter referendum currently required for the approval of a proposed consolidation plan if each municipal governing body has applied for the creation of a Municipal Consolidation Study Commission would be made optional; and
WHEREAS, the Vernon Township Council believes that the voters should be given the opportunity to register their preference regarding the future of their hometown, and that they should, prior to that referendum, have access to an objective analysis of the costs and benefits of the proposed consolidation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Township of Vernon opposes S-2679/A4099, as currently drafted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the sponsors, Senator Gordon, Assemblyman Eustace, Assemblywoman Wagner and Assemblyman Ciattarelli, to our State Senator, to our representatives in the State General Assembly, to Governor Chris Christie, to our neighboring municipalities and to the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.
Mr. Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolution #13-212, Opposing A1696/S588:
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Daniel Kadish
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Resolution #13-212 was adopted.
Mr. Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Resolution #13-213, Opposing A-4064/S2773:
Motion: Daniel Kadish
Second: Eddie Dunn
Mayor Marotta noted that he has been serving on pilot programs for safe streets, and the Safe Streets pilot program members voted to oppose this bill at this day’s meeting.
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Resolution #13-213 was adopted.
Resolution #13-213: Resolution Opposing A-4064/S-2773, Diverting of Motor Vehicle Fines to State Safe Routes to School Fund
WHEREAS, A-4064/S-2773 requires that 10 percent of all fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed and collected for motor vehicle violations be forwarded to the Department of the Treasury for deposit in the “State Safe Routes to School Fund;” and
WHEREAS, monies in the fund would be used to support infrastructure and other projects designed to provide a safe environment for children walking and biking to and from kindergarten through eighth grade; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to this initiative, the State would annually appropriate the entire balance of the fund to the Department of Transportation to be used to reimburse county or municipal governments or school districts that engage in initiatives to enable children to walk and bicycle to school safely; and
WHEREAS, the funds would, supposedly, be used in conjunction with federal funding provided to the State through the Federal Safe Routes to School program, with preference given to local governments or school districts that have implemented initiatives on high priority roadways, on which more than four pedestrian fatalities had occurred in the previous calendar year or more than eight pedestrian fatalities had occurred in the prior three calendar years; and
WHEREAS, the diversion of fund proceeds would place increased pressure on local officials struggling to continue to deliver vital services, with limited property tax increases, to the greatest possible extent; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey municipalities have access to a very limited number of revenue sources; and
WHEREAS, it is a common practice for State budget-makers to address State budget concerns by repurposing certain supposedly dedicated funds, thereby redirecting revenues collected for local purposes and intended to provide relief to local budgets.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that, while the Council of Vernon Township shares the sponsors’ concerns with assuring safe routes to school, we must oppose the diversion of limited local resources to accomplish that end; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vernon Township Council opposes A-4064/S-2773, as currently drafted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the sponsors, Senator Allen, Assemblymen Singleton and Conaway, the Governor Chris Christie, our State Senator Stephen Oroho, our representatives in the General Assembly and the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.
Ordinances—Introduction—First Reading
1st Reading of Ordinance #13-18 by Title Only
Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Ordinance #13-18 on 1st reading by title only.
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Dick Wetzel
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Eddie Dunn, Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Ordinance #13-18 was approved on Introduction.
Ordinance #13-18: An Ordinance of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, to Modify Chapter 250 of the Code of the Township of Vernon Regarding Department of Public Works Fees
1st Reading of Ordinance #13-19 by Title Only
Council President Rizzuto asked for a motion to approve Ordinance #13-19 on 1st reading by title only.
Motion: Brian Lynch
Second: Dick Wetzel
Council Member Kadish asked if the contract would be explained in detail, i.e. build out, public access, etc.
Mayor Marotta noted that Robert McBriar would be in attendance at the public hearing on December 9.
Council President Rizzuto advised that various items were noted in the contract.
The Mayor advised that this is not an exclusive agreement, and that other carriers are allowed to come in to the Township to offer their services.
A roll call vote was taken:
Ayes: Daniel Kadish, Brian Lynch, Dick Wetzel, Patrick Rizzuto
Nays: Eddie Dunn
Abstain: None
Ordinance #13-19 was approved on Introduction.
Ordinance #13-19: An Ordinance Granting Municipal Consent to the Issuance of a Franchise to Service Electric Cable T.V. of New Jersey, Inc., to Construct, Own, Operate, Extend And Maintain a Cable Television System in the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, Setting Forth Conditions Accompanying the Grant of Said Municipal Consent and Providing for the Regulation and Use of Said System
Council Comments
Council President Rizzuto asked the Clerk to send a letter to the Board of Education Secretary for a liaison meeting with the Board in December on budgeting.
The Council President wished all a Happy Thanksgiving. He advised all to please be safe. He advised of the Tree Lighting ceremony on December 4.
Council Member Wetzel commended the Vernon residents who voted. He hoped Eddie Dunn would consider running again in 2 years. He congratulated Jean Murphy for being elected to the Council.
Council President Rizzuto agreed with Mr. Wetzel, congratulating Ms. Murphy, and hoping that Eddie Dunn would run again.
Council Member Lynch congratulated the elected Council members. He wished good luck to those who did not prevail. He asked to schedule the Reorganization meeting for New Year’s Day. The Council President advised that it has been scheduled for January 1 and that the notice has gone out for noon.
Council Member Kadish congratulated Jean Murphy for winning. He asked to extend an invite for her to join the dais.
Council Member Dunn addressed Phyllis MacPeek’s issue on military suicides, noting that there are staggering statistics. He noted that meaningful employment goes a long way.
There being no further items of business to be conducted on the Regular Meeting agenda, a motion for adjournment was made by Council Member Dick Wetzel. Motion seconded by Council Member Brian Lynch, with all members voting in favor.
The Regular Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Vernon was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Nelson, RMC
Municipal Clerk
Minutes approved: January 27, 2014