Agenda: May 9, 2022
Township Council Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.—Executive Session, closed to the public
7:00 p.m.—Regular Meeting, open to the public
Guidelines for attending the meeting in person:
There shall be a maximum of seventy-five (75) public participants allowed in the council chambers during any hybrid meeting. All public participants attending a hybrid meeting in-person must maintain three (3) feet of distance between their chairs except that family members may elect to move their chairs together. Reading of e-mails into the meeting minutes will not be required, they may be entered by acclamation.
- Call to Order
- Statement: Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 14, 2022 and was posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-7.
- Roll Call
- Executive Session—Resolution #22-112—Resolution to Enter into Executive Session—Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation or Negotiation Contracts
AT 7:00 PM
- Call to Order
- Statement: Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 14, 2022 and May 3, 2022 and was posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-7.
- Salute to the Flag
- Roll Call
- Proclamation
- Police Week 2022
- Item for Discussion
- Resolution Urging the Swift Passage of S-330/A3804, Which Shall Restore the Energy Tax Receipts to Municipalities
- Review of Bills List
- Mayor Comments
- Public Comments (For current agenda items only, limited to 3 minutes per person)
- Consent Agenda
- Resolution #22-92: Resolution Authorizing an Agreement Between Township of Vernon and AFSCME Local 3181 (Rank and File Unit) For 2022-2024
- Resolution #22-113: Refund Overpayments (Various Block and Lots CORELOGIC)
- Resolution #22-114: Refund Overpayment (Block 462 Lot 16-Erin Mershon)
- Resolution #22-115: Refund Overpayment (Block 327 Lot 15 Wells Fargo Real Estate Tax Services)
- Resolution #22-116: Refund Overpayment (Block 267 Lot 99-Kingsbridge Title Agency)
- Resolution #22-118: Refund for Totally Disabled Veteran (Block 126 Lot 11 - Canova)
- Resolution #22-119: Authorizing Change Order #1 of Contract for Replacement of Fire Alarm System in Municipal Building
- Resolution #22-120: Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Between the Township of Vernon, New Jersey and County of Orange, New York for Use of the Orange County Fire Training Center
- Resolution #22-121: Resolution Authorizing Fireworks to be Displayed on July 2, 2022 with Rain Date of July 3, 2022 within the Township of Vernon
- Resolution #22-122: Resolution Authorizing the Hiring of a Refreshment Vendor Concession
- Resolution #22-123: Resolution Supporting the Vernon Township High School Senior Sign Project for the Class of 2022
- Resolution #22-124: Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Gasoline/Diesel Fuel through Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council Contract #1 through Griffith-Allied Trucking LLC, dba Allied Oil
- Resolution #22-125: Resolution Recognizing and Authorizing the Appointment of Patrick Murphy as an Inspector for Electrical, Fire and Building
- Resolution #22-126: Resolution Recognizing and Authorizing the Appointments of Paul Black as an Inspector for Building, Mechanical and Plumbing
- Resolution #22-127: Resolution Recognizing Authorizing the Appointment of Robert Westenberger as the Construction Official for the Township of Vernon
- Resolution #22-128: Resolution Appointment to the Vernon Township Municipal Utility Authority
- Resolution #22-129: Approving a Solicitor's Permit - Pristine Management
- Introduction/1st Reading of Proposed Ordinances
- Ordinance #22-09: Capital Ordinance Providing for Various Improvements by the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, Appropriating Therefore the Sum of $323,000.00 and Providing that Sum so Appropriated Shall be Raised from the Capital Improvement Fund of the Township
- Ordinance #22-10: Bond Ordinance Appropriating $1,955,000, and Authorizing the Issuance of $1,365,000 Bonds or Notes of the Township, for Various Improvements of Purposes Authorized to be Undertaken by the Township of Vernon, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey
- Ordinance #22-11: Ordinance of the Township of Vernon, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, Amending Section 330-160 Entitled "Schedule of Permitted, Conditional and Accessory Uses and Structures" to Prohibit Farmland Assessment on Properties Where Legal Cannabis is Cultivated
- Public Comments (Limited to 5 minutes on any topic)
- Council Comments
- Council President Comments
- Adjournment