Vernon Township
21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055
These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting that took place on 3/16//2023. Copies of the recording are available at the office of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the “MUA”).
This regular meeting of the VTMUA commenced at 7:09 pm.
Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public and the press on December 27, 2022 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the MUA as well as posted on the website.
At this time Mr. Wenner swore in Ms. Wheaton.
The following members were present:
Paul Kearney
Dave McDermott
Kristin Wheaton
Ed DeYoung
Mark Bower- audio difficulties
The following member was absent:
Ed Snook
The following professionals were present: Donelle Bright, Administrator/CFO; Rich Wenner, Attorney; Steve Benosky, Engineer; Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary.
Mr. McDermott made the motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe informed no one from the public wished to speak.
Mr. McDermott motioned to close the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. McDermott nominated Ms. Wheaton for Vice Chair, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung. Ms. Wheaton accepted the nomination which was carried affirmative by Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, Ms. Wheaton, and Mr. DeYoung.
Mr. Kearney asked why sweatshirts were purchased. Ms. Bright stated we purchase some clothing for the employees to wear and they also receive a boot reimbursement. Ms. McCabe noted that the sweatshirts were backordered and we do not remit the payment until after the items are received.
Mr. DeYoung motioned to approve resolution #23-13, approval of the bills, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, Ms. Wheaton, and Mr. DeYoung.
Mr. DeYoung made the motion to approve the reorganization minutes from 2/9/23, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, and Mr. DeYoung.
Mr. Bright noted there needs to be a correction to the resolution, removing the CFO title from the resolution, as that is a shared service with the Township.
Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve resolution #23-14, Establishing Employee Classifications and Salaries for the Year 2023, with the correction noted, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, Ms. Wheaton, and Mr. DeYoung.
Ms. Bright explained that Daniel’s Law was signed into effect in 2020 to put a process in for redaction of records for certain law enforcement positions who signed up to be protected. This resolution is to approve the redaction of all addresses from all meeting minutes in order to comply with the law.
Ms. Wheaton motioned to approve resolution #23-15, Authorizing the Redaction of All Addresses from the Minutes of the VTMUA From the Township Website to Comply with Daniel’s Law, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott, and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. McDermott, Ms. Wheaton, and Mr. DeYoung.
Ms. Bright updated on the replacement of pump station 2, stating that a pre-construction meeting was held and the agreement with Coppola was signed. Required items were reviewed to ensure they are addressed before, during, and after the project.
Ms. Bright reported that the entire Legends sewer service area is now incorporated into the submitted SSA map. The mapping has been provided to the NJDEP for their final review and should be moving forward soon.
Ms. Bright stated she has reached out to SCMUA regarding the transfer station, and will follow up with them after SCMUA meets with their board.
Regarding capital items, it was determined that the camera work on the force main is not advisable, as the ARV is too small and the camera wouldn’t fit. Additional capital items include the purchase of a jet-vac, which would be a cost-share with the town. The jet-vac would be used to clean clogged lines for the MUA and catch basins for DPW.
Ms. Bright stated there will be a meeting held tomorrow with the developer of Theta and Omega drive to regarding their progress on the project. Also, there may be a new buyer for the property next to McAfee Ski Shop, which will hopefully be homes. Mr. Kearney asked when the development on Theta and Omega will begin. Ms. Bright stated they have all approvals and development can happen soon. Ms. Bright added it will probably be at least three years for Ryan homes.
Ms. Wheaton asked if there will be a groundbreaking ceremony for pump station 2. Ms. Bright answered all the paperwork needs to be finished and when there is a date to start, we will inform everyone and have the ceremony.
Ms. Bright updated there was a call on Stonehill for pump failure and it was determined that the contact switch failed. New switches were ordered and will be replaced once received.
Ms. Bright noted there was a clog at Steamboat, it was snaked 60 feet and the clog was removed.
Ms. Bright updated all the generators are hooked up and running. Additionally, the fencing will begin March 15th.
Mr. Benosky updated there was a meeting last week with the DEP, Coppola, and Mr. Stoner; the Township Engineer, the notice to proceed was granted. Mr. Benosky added in the next month or so the contractor will submit the materials list for approval. Once approved, the procurement process can begin.
Mr. Benosky stated the SSA maps were submitted to the DEP about two weeks ago and are awaiting approval.
Mr. Benosky spoke about using the camera to inspect the force main on the railroad; however, they are not like the lines in the condos and it is not recommended to be done.
Mr. Benosky stated there was an issue with the Minerals connection and the sewer lateral. Minerals had to add their own private pump station, which is not the responsibility of the MUA, in order to connect to our system. Ms. Wheaton inquired if Minerals had back up power for the pump station. Mr. Benosky answered he would follow up to ensure they do.
Discussion was held on how to allocate the funds that were given from the federal government for sewer expansion. Ms. Bright stated the maps from 2021, for expansion, need to be updated; however, they show the different connection totals for each area. Ms. Bright stated in conversations with Dewberry, there is a whole area in town center that is in SSA not able to be connected at this time and the lines would be a benefit there.
Mr. Kearney asked what the available EDU counts are for the most connections and when we can anticipate beginning the expansion. Ms. Bright answered she does not have an award of the exact amount; and then a bond ordinance would follow before we could do the engineering for bid specs. Ms. Bright went over the bond ordinances for $1 million that will need to be taken out and detailed the breakdown of costs. Ms. Bright added that the debt service, because it is sewer, will be small and over a 30-year time. Ms. Bright stated there will need to be discussions with Mayor and council, as it is their decision.
Mr. DeYoung motioned to open the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. McDermott and carried by unanimous votes.
Sean Clarkin: Mr. Clarkin asked if we would be spending $5 million in order to obtain 200 connections. Mr. Clarkin asked about residents currently on septic systems and if they would have to connect or wait for their system to fail. Mr. Bright responded the MUA has by-lays and it is required to hook up to the system. If the resident does not hook up, they still have to pay the connection and the annual fees. Ms. Bright added it is $4 million with $3.2 being federally funded. Mr. Clarkin added that he does not believe there are enough connections to spend the federal money on.
Mr. McDermott motioned to close the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. DeYoung asked is some of the maps can be expanded to see more clearly. Ms. Bright answered that she would do that. Mr. DeYoung added that Mr. Clarkin makes good points and if we are to spend the money, we need to get the most connections possible. Mr. DeYoung added it will be hard for some residents to pay to connect when there is nothing wrong with their septic system.
Mr. McDermott had no further comments.
Ms. Wheaton commented she agreed with Mr. DeYoung and there will be a lot more discussion to come. Ms. Wheaton added maybe there can be a grace period or possibly using funds to offset connection fees. Ms. Wheaton brought up EDUs as a billing topic and possibly adding something to the website to explain billing which may save time and effort.
Mr. Kearney agreed with Mr. DeYoung on the issue of expansion and a resident having a functioning septic, but over time if a septic fails, they will have to get on the system. Mr. Kearney stated this is not something he takes lightly and is open to suggestions and ideas.
Mr. McDermott motioned to adjournment the meeting at 8:11 pm, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by unanimous votes.
Respectfully submitted,
Jaclyn McCabe
Minutes Approved: 4/20/23