Vernon Township
21 Church Street, Vernon, NJ 07462
Phone: 973.764.4055
These minutes are a synopsis of the meeting that took place on 1/19/2023. Copies of the recording are available at the office of the Vernon Township Municipal Utilities Authority (the “MUA”).
This regular meeting of the VTMUA commenced at 7:03 pm.
Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public and the press on December 27, 2023 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the MUA as well as posted on the website.
The following members were present:
Paul Kearney
Andrew Pitsker
Dave McDermott
Ed Snook
Ed DeYoung
Kristin Wheaton
Mark Bower
The following members were absent:
Dave McDermott
The following professionals were present: Donelle Bright, Administrator/CFO; Howard Lazier, Licensed Operator; Rich Wenner, Attorney; Steve Benosky, Engineer; Rob McNinch, Auditor; Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary.
Mr. Pitsker motioned to open the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe stated members from the public would like to speak.
Jessi Paladini: Ms. Paladini inquired if Mr. McDermott was in attendance or not and was answered he was not in attendance. Ms. Paladini questioned why the resolution for the budget was already voted on as it is just on the agenda for the current meeting. Ms. Bright answered the resolution that is being referred to is for the introduction to the budget and not the adoption of the budget, which is what is on the current agenda.
Mr. DeYoung made the motion to close the meeting to the public for agenda items only, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes.
Ms. Wheaton made the motion to approve the minutes from 10/20/22, which was seconded by Mr. Pitsker and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Pitsker, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. Snook, and Mr. DeYoung. Mr. Kearney abstained from voting.
Mr. Pitsker made the motion to approve the meeting minutes from 12/15/22, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. Pitsker, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. DeYoung, and Mr. Bower.
Mr. Pitsker made the motion to approve resolution #23-01 Adopting the 2023 Budget, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by the affirmative votes of Mr. Kearney, Mr. Pitsker, Ms. Wheaton, Mr. Snook, and Mr. DeYoung.
Ms. Bright reported the easement for PS2 will be on the council meeting the coming Monday. If approved, will be the final piece for the DEP.
Ms. Bright stated there was a meeting today regarding the sewer service area and including the Legends property being included. After it is included and approved by the DEP it will then go to the county and the owners of the property will be given notice and will be able to make comments.
Ms. Bright updated the capital items stating generators will have gas installed next week.
Ms. Bright stated the unedited budget will be finalized and published on the website.
Ms. Bright updated on the LIHWAP program, which is a low-income program to help pay for utilities. Ms. Bright added that it was initially thought that the funds would be sent to the residents to pay but that state confirmed they send the money right to the utility company.
Mr. Kearney inquired about the PS2 easement and asked what the approximate date would be that we can have shovels in the ground. Mr. Benosky answered by the end of 2023 we should be breaking ground. Mr. Pitsker asked if the project schedule is still 150 days. Mr. Benosky answered it is a little short of that but that is the current estimate on completion at this time.
Mr. Lazier updated that the system is running smoothly at the current time.
Mr. Lazier stated the force main on the railroad has been insulated.
Mr. Lazier reported we are still waiting for the gas company to install the meters for the generators. Mr. Pitsker inquired if the gas line that is coming out of the ground should have a guard on it so that no one can get injured on it. Mr. Lazier answered that the line is in the woods but it is something to look into. Mr. DeYoung added that the shut off valves are exposed and we should be fencing around the generators to ensure they are not tampered with. Mr. Kearney added the fence can be chain link which is not a big cost.
Mr. Benosky updated he has been supporting Ms. Bright with finalizing the IBank application and obtaining the easement.
Mr. Benosky stated there was a meeting for the sewer service area today and we are in the final steps. However, that does not mean approval is eminent.
Mr. Benosky told Mr. Lazier that he did a good job protecting the force main.
Ms. Wheaton discussed the septage hauling and what a townwide septage hauling program would look like. Ms. Wheaton stated the attached document was for proposed outreach to haulers gauging their willingness to participate. Ms. Wheaton added that this is a council decision and inquired if the document was sent to council. Ms. Bright answered it was sent following the last VTMUA meeting. Mr. Pitsker asked if there are any other towns that are doing septage collection. Ms. Wheaton stated she did not do any research on other towns; however, some realtors in town have discussed this with their clients. Ms. Wheaton added this is a potential way to reduce costs to residents and lower septage hauling costs. Ms. Wheaton added there needs to be negations with SCMUA to prove that we are bringing septage from Vernon so that it can increase flow. Mr. Kearney asked if the septage will need to be collected from the sewer service area and if SCMUA will have to accept it. Ms. Bright stated they do take it; however, Ms. Wheaton is not talking about a transfer station, she is referring to creating districts and forming a utility to increase flow to SCMUA. Mr. Kearney asked of the point is to offset and increase the flow. Ms. Bright answered that is correct if they accept it. Mr. DeYoung stated that there is no reason they couldn’t dump into a transfer station and added that he is concerned with the idea of districts. Mr. DeYoung added that it would be good for bids and pricing but a list of vendors to chose from would be a better option then being told who to use. Ms. Bright added to be clear the request for proposals, and not creating a utility, the payments would go right to the haulers and there would be no revenue to the MUA.
Mr. Kearney made the motion to open up the topic of septage hauling to the public, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by unanimous votes.
Sean Clarkin- Mr. Clarkin discussed that he was going to have his septic pumped and he reached out to other neighbors as well which then he was able to negotiate with the haulers and was given a discount. Mr. Clarkin continued to discuss the benefits of septage collection and how it would save money to residents. Mr. Kearney stated all are in agreement but not sure what action to take.
Peg Distasi- Ms. Distasi stated she 100% supports Mr. Clarkin. Ms. Distasi stated they have been working for months and can make it work. It must be worked out with legal council to go forward.
Mr. Pitsker made the motion to close the septage discussion to the public, which was seconded by Mr. Snook and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. Pitsker made the motion to open the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. DeYoung and carried by unanimous votes. Ms. McCabe stated a member of the public would like to speak.
Jessi Paladini- Ms. Paladini stated she did not have her hand raised.
Mr. Bower made the motion to close the meeting to the public for items not on the agenda, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes.
Mr. Bower commented on current and upcoming vacancies on the commission. Ms. Bright stated there is one current spot up on 2/1/23 and Council will appoint the member to fill the spot.
Mr. DeYoung commented there was good discussion held.
Mr. Snook had no further comments.
Ms. Wheaton commented looking forward to meeting with SCMUA and hopes to discuss the septage collection. Ms. Wheaton stated we are in uncharted territory and encouraged the board to keep moving forward.
Mr. Pitsker commented he is looking forward to breaking ground on PS2 and it would be nice to have a ceremony. Mr. Pitsker commented on the sewer service area and it has been stagnant since 2014 and is glad to be making progress.
Mr. Kearney commented the meeting with SCMUA is keystone and everything depends on that meeting. Ms. Bright stated it will be in the first quarter of 2023.
Mr. Pitsker made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 pm, which was seconded by Ms. Wheaton and carried by unanimous votes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jaclyn McCabe, Recording Secretary
Minutes approved: 2/9/23