Meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.

Mr. Spoerl was the acting chair person for this meeting.

Motion: Mayor Marotta made a motion to have Mr. Spoerl be the chair. Ms. Cocula seconded the motion. All were in favor. PASSED.

Call to Order

Statement of Compliance

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 21, 2015 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the Township Clerk.

Salute to the Flag

Roll Call    Also Present
Mayor Marotta P   Glenn Kienz, Board Attorney
Diane Wexler P   Jessica Caldwell, Board Planner
Councilmember Rizzuto NP   Cory Stoner, Board Engineer
Martin Theobald NP   Kim Decker, Board Secretary
Richard Spoerl P    
Joseph Tadrick NP    
Andrea Cocula P    
Joseph Ferrer NP    
Jessica Paladini P    
Chris Hack (#1 Alt) NP    
Ed Rolando (#2 Alt) P    
David Nieves (#3 Alt) P    
Kristi Raperto (#4 Alt) P    

The following individuals notified Ms. Decker they would not be in attendance.

Councilmember Rizzuto
Martin Theobald
Joseph Tadrick
Joseph Ferrer
Christopher Hack

Public Participation

Open Meeting to the Public for Items Other than Those Listed on the Agenda

Beverly Budz of the environmental commission made a recommendation to the LUB that they do not approve the resolution for LU# 4-15-3 because the one acre piece which the applicant wants to subdivide out is not large enough, but rather it has to be a three acre piece of property based on the rules designated in 2002 when the property was put into farmland preservation.

Close Meeting to the Public

Public Hearings

LU# 5-15-6: National Winter Activity Center - Block 192.02, Lot 19 & 25, - Final Site Plan to Redevelop the Existing Site

Mr. Rolando stepped down.

Preliminary approval was given to this property, but certain conditions had not been finalized at the last meeting. Therefore some of the members of the board formed a subcommittee to form final decisions for the board. Mr. Kienz recommend that the subcommittee report their findings.

Ms. Caldwell discussed the materials for the pre-engineer buildings and colors. Exhibit A 3.2 shows the decided color choice and trim colors. She stated that the color will be a grey fox color as the base and the additional accessories/trim will match. Powder blue and magenta are the trim colors of the building. The retaining wall will be a sand tone color, along with a landscaping plan. Mr. Marotta stated that the board was concerned about the metal building, however after review the subcommittee felt the building will look appropriate for this site. Mr. Stoner felt that Ms. Caldwell covered the issues that the board was concerned about. After careful consideration of all issues that the board had Mayor Marotta felt that the board thought that National Winter Activity Center will be a good thing for the Township of Vernon.

Ms. Nicolson attorney for the applicant asked the board to address the signage issue at the bottom of Canistear Rd. Mayor Marotta assured the applicant that the sign can remain at that site as the property is owned by Vernon Township. The banners will be allowed on the building as well. The exhibits handed out by the attorney for the applicant shows the location and style of all banners. The subcommittee recommended final approval.

Mr. Stoner recommended that the engineer review the changes made on the plan. John Miller from Suburban Consulting Engineers was sworn in. He reviewed the changes made. The changes included geometric changes around the buildings, changes in the grading, parking and septic locations. All locations of the signage were reviewed by Mr. Miller. Two of the signs that will be used are pre-existing. All the exhibits demonstrate corrections made. Mr. Kienz recommended that the packet handed out at this meeting will be the official packet for this application.

Ms. Nicolson complimented the board on the professionalism displayed throughout the process of seeking approval for the National Winter Activity Center. She praised the concept of the subcommittee in helping to finalize the application in preparation for final approval. She felt that this is a concept that other towns should follow. She was happy to see that the board realized the value in the National Winter Activity Center and that the closed ski area can now become something good for Vernon Township.

The meeting was opened to the public.

Mr. John Pier came forward and was sworn in by Mr. Kienz. Mr. Pier has been involved with the Hidden Valley ski area since day one of the opening of the facility. His sons were active life time skiers. The reason Mr. Pier spoke was because he is concerned about the safety of the upper parking lot area. He spent time at that spot and felt that a bus pulling out at this spot could experience safety issues, such as not having enough time to pull out when a car is coming down Breakneck Rd. Mr. Pier expressed a sincere safety issue for all traffic leaving the upper parking lot and driving on Breakneck Road.

Mr. Gary Link came forward and was sworn in by Mr. Kienz. Mr. Link also talked about the lower parking lot and that it should be used by the buses. He feels that when the bad weather is present that the lower parking lot is the best choice for the buses. His concern was also for safety reasons.

Meeting was closed to the public.

Motion: Mayor Marotta made a motion to grant final approval based upon the agreements that the applicant has agreed upon including recommendations from the township’s engineer, planner, the subcommittee and comments expressed by the public. Ms. Cocula seconded the motion. Roll Call: Marotta-Y, Spoerl -Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Nieves -Y, Raperto -Y. PASSED.

Vernon Township Salt Dome: Review by Land Use Board for Capital Projects (Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40-55D-31) - Block 141.05, Lot 1

Mr. Stoner reviewed the plans for the new salt dome which will be located near the DPW garage. The dome will cost $450,000 and will be able to house approximately 6000 tons of salt. The job for the project is currently out to bid. It will be 60 feet high and visible from the road. The roof shingles will match the other structures. Ms. Caldwell feels that the project is consistent with the master plan.

Motion: Motion was made by Ms. Cocula to approve the project and seconded by Mr. Spoerl. Roll Call: Marotta- Y, Wexler -Y, Spoerl -Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Nieves -Y, Raperto -Y. PASSED.


LU# 4-15-3: Daniel Kadish - Block 32, Lot 7, - Minor Subdivision with Variances

Mr. Marotta discussed the time frame that the board has in approving the resolution and that legal action could take place by Mr. Kadish, if not approved. The board continued to discuss whether to approve the resolution. Issues discussed were whether the property that the homestead is located on is supposed to be a one acre piece or a three acre piece. The applicant is seeking to sub-divide one acre which will create a new lot. Mr. Kadish put this property into farmland preservation in 2002 and in 2001 it is possible that it is suppose to be a three acre subdivision. Mr. Kienz explained that the board has the right to call the applicant back for additional testimony.

Motion: A motion was made by Ms. Paladini to ask the applicant to come back before the board for additional testimony based on that some of the facts that were included in the testimony of the applicant were inaccurate. Ms. Wexler seconded the motion. Roll Call: Marotta - Abstained, Wexler -Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Rolando -Y, Nieves -Y. PASSED.

LU# 5-15-4: John & Melissa Obrotka - Block 103.25, Lot 40, - Variance for a Front Porch and Second Floor Overhang

Motion: Motion was made by Ms. Cocula to approve the above resolution. Ms. Wexler seconded the motion. Roll Call: Marotta -Y, Wexler -Y, Spoerl -Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Rolando -Y, Nieves -Y. PASSED.

LU# 5-15-6: National Winter Activity Center - Block 192.02, Lot 19 & 25, - Preliminary Site Plan with Variances to Redevelop the Existing Site

Motion: Motion was made by Ms. Cocula and Mayor Marotta seconded the motion to approve the above resolution. Roll Call: Marotta-Y, Wexler -Y, Spoerl-Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Nieves -Y, Raperto -Y. PASSED.


July 8, 2015: Regular Meeting Minutes (Marotta, Wexler, Theobald, Spoerl, Tadrick, Cocula, Paladini, Nieves, Raperto)

Motion: Motion was made by Mr. Spoerl to approve the July 8th, 2015 minutes. Ms. Cocula seconded the motion. Roll Call: Marotta -Y, Wexler -Y, Spoerl -Y, Cocula -Y, Paladini -Y, Rolando -Y, Nieves -Y, Raperto -Y. PASSED.

Appendix A: Escrows, Board Fees, Bond Reductions and Escrow Closures

  1. Board Fees
    1. Board Attorney: Glenn Kienz, Weiner Lesniak LLP
      1. Land Use Board Business: Services through 6/18/15 ($496.00)
      2. First Hartford: LU# 5-14-4 - Services through 6/17/15 ($630.84)
      3. Mountain Creek: LU# 4-15-2 - Services through 6/8/15 ($112.00)
      4. Daniel Kadish: LU# 4-15-3 - Services through 6/29/15 ($1,008.00)
      5. MNA Vernon Realty: LU# 6-15-5 - Services through 6/18/15 ($768.00)
    2. Board Planner: Jessica Caldwell, J. Caldwell & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business: ($0)
      2. MNA Vernon Realty: LU# 6-15-5 - Services through 6/18/15 ($402.50)
    3. Board Engineer: Cory Stoner, Harold E. Pellow & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business: ($0)
    4. Board Recording Secretary: Colleen Ragnetti - ($0)

Motion: Motion was made by Mayor Marotta and seconded by Ms. Paladini to approve the above board fees. All were in favor. PASSED.


Motion: Motion was made by Ms. Wexler and seconded by Ms. Cocula to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All were in favor.

These minutes were transcribed by Colleen Ragnetti on August 3, 2015.