Regular Meeting Agenda

Time: 7:00 p.m.

The Vernon Township Land Use Board meeting will be held remotely via a Zoom Webinar") 100% 50% no-repeat;">  (audio and video). The meeting ID is 843 6674 5990. You may also call in by dialing 1-929-205-6099. The foregoing electronic public meeting is recommended due to the current situation involving the COVID-19 virus and directives of state and county governments. Members of the public are welcome to participate in the meeting and make public comments.
  1. Call to Order
  2. Statement of Compliance: Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this regular meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 13, 2020 by delivering to the press such notice and posting same at the municipal building and filed with the office of the Township Clerk.
  3. Salute to the Flag
  4. Roll Call
    1. Mayor’s Designee Diane Wexler
    2. Craig Williams
    3. Councilmember Auberger
    4. Martin Theobald
    5. Richard Spoerl
    6. Willard McPeek
    7. Andrea Cocula
    8. Michael Whitaker
    9. Kristi Raperto
    10. Kelly Mitchell Alternate #1
    11. Joseph Tadrick Alternate #2
    12. Paul Mele Alternate #3
    13. Mark Vizzini Alternate #4
  5. Public Hearings
    1. None
  6. Public Participation
    1. Open Meeting to the Public for Items Other Than Those Listed on the Agenda
    2. Close Meeting to the Public
  7. Resolutions
    1. Appointing and Retaining Board Attorney
    2. Appointing and Retaining Board Engineer
    3. Appointing and Retaining Board Planner
    4. LU# 10-18-7: Diamond Communications LLC and T-Mobile Northeast LLC - Block 378, Lot 17, - Preliminary and Final Site Plan Along with Use, Height and Bulk Variances to Construct a 160' Lattice Tower with Twelve (12) Antennas Placed at the Top of the Tower and Related Equipment at the Base of the Tower
      Eligible to vote: Williams, McPeek, Cocula, Whitaker, Raperto, Theobald
  8. Land Use Board Discussion Items (action may or may not be taken)
    1. 525 Route 515 Redevelopment Plan for Block 413, Lot 10
  9. Minutes
    1. December 9, 2020: Regular Meeting Minutes (Williams, McPeek, Cocula, Whitaker, Raperto, Mitchell, Mele, Theobald)
  10. Adjournment

Appendix A: Escrows, Board Fees, Bond Reductions and Escrow Closure

  1. Board Fees
    1. Board Attorney: Glenn Kienz, Weiner Law Group LLP
      1. Land Use Board Business - Services through 11/12/20 ($1,012.00)
      2. For Love Of Mud, LLC - LU# 5-20-2 - Services through 11/11/20 ($144.00)
      3. Suez Water NJ Inc. - LU# 10-19-18 - Services through 11/23/20 ($176.00)
      4. Martin Theobald - LU# 12-19-10 - Services through 11/13/20 ($176.00)
      5. Farm 94, LLC - LU# 9-20-6 - Services through 11/13/20 ($656.00)
      6. Allain & Bilomasaur - LU# 11-20-8 - Services through 11/18/20 ($93.00)
    2. Board Planner: Jessica Caldwell, J. Caldwell & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business - Services through 11/12/20 ($3,060.00)
      2. For Love Of Mud, LLC - LU# 5-20-2 - Services through 11/10/20 ($125.00)
      3. Allain & Bilomasaur - LU# 11-20-8 - Services through 11/16/20 ($855.00)
      4. Diamond Comm. LLC - LU# 10-18-7 - Services through 11/23/20 ($2,580.00)
      5. 515 Vernon Property LLC - LU# 7-20-4 - Services through 11/27/20 ($1,500.00)
    3. Board Engineer: Cory Stoner, Harold E. Pellow & Associates
      1. Land Use Board Business - Services through 10/6/20 ($202.40)
      2. Land Use Board Business - Services through 11/23/20 ($195.00)
      3. Farm 94, LLC - LU# 9-20-6 - Services through 10/12/20 ($260.00)
      4. Farm 94, LLC - LU# 9-20-6 - Services through 10/12/20 ($260.00)
      5. Waheguru Gas - LU# 7-16-5 - Services through 11/9/20 ($744.20)
      6. Stephen Peterson - LU# 9-20-7 - Services through 10/6/20 ($397.40)
    4. Board Recording Secretary: Irene Mills ($75.00)
    5. Board Conflict Attorney - Ursula Leo, Laddey, Clark & Ryan LLP
      1. Land Use Board Business - Services through 11/23/20 ($336.96)
    6. Dr. Bruce A. Eisenstein, Ph.D., P.E.
      1. Diamond Comm. LLC - LU# 10-18-7 - Services through 11/23/20 ($1,125.00)
  2. Request for Escrows to Be Closed
    1. None

Appendix B: Pending Land Use Board Business

Status of Pending Applications

  1. LU# 9-20-6 - Farm 94, LLC - Block: 58, Lot: 2, -Preliminary and Major Site Plan with Conditional, Bulk and Use Variances to Improve and Upgrade the Parking Lot Additions to Two On-Site Buildings with Proposed Uses of an Art Gallery, Craft Space, Event/Conference Space, Butcher Shop, Outdoor Retail Sales and a Glamping Area

Next Meeting: January 27, 2021