Pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act, adequate notice of this Regular Meeting has been provided to the public and the press on January 14, 2022 by delivering to the press such notice and posting at the Municipal Building and filed with the office of the Township Clerk.


Jennifer Lubliner
Nicholas Pirro
Keren Gonen
Ed DeYoung
Susan Berkley

Absent Keren Gonen and Susan Berkley

Mayor Burrell's comments:

The first thing when a new business comes to town they come to see the Mayor, to ask questions on if the town really wants the business here. He discussed some of the recent businesses that have opened. The ribbon cuttings that have gone on develop good promotions and advertising for the business. Our Building department is changing for the better. They made so many inspections last year that they paid for themselves. We have a very good land use board. The Mayor handed out a copy of the new car wash going into Vernon on Theta drive. The Fox and Bear just had a grand opening and the place looks beautiful. The Mayor thanked Nick Pirro for his part in making the new township logo.

The mayor thanked Ed DeYoung for coming onto the economic development committee.


Nick Pirro, Jennifer Lubliner, and Ed DeYoung stood up to take the oath by the Mayor. They then signed the papers.

VOTE ON 2022 Chairperson/Vice Chairperson

Postponed due to only three members. Jennifer Lubliner made the motion and Nick Pirro seconded.


A motion was made to open the meeting to the public by Nick Pirro and second by Ed DeYoung.

A motion was made to close the meeting to the public by Ed DeYoung and second by Nick Pirro.

VOTE ON December 2021 MINUTES

A motion was made by Jennifer Lubliner to approve the minutes. Second by Ed DeYoung. Vote was approved with Ed DeYoung abstained.


Chamber of Commerce & MUA Comments

New business guide: working on a final draft. Looked at the Newton example and other examples. A guide to the processes and requirements. The mom and pop businesses do not have the experience and this guide will walk them through it.

Events: having a positive input to focus on and planning some township events to coincide with it. Revisit our signage policy. Work with the council on the sign ordinance.

Grand openings: how to expand and get more excitement with these events. Have a separate committee that handles events such as parades, Etc.


Working with the high school programs. Working on a ten to twelve week program of mentorship. What is it like to start a small business.

Marketing and planning: focus on our local community.

Project charter was discussed.

Nick Pirro will get back in touch with Lydia and discuss the entrepreneurship example.

Stephanie Scilingo wanted to know about the brochure for the town. Jennifer Lubliner discussed putting a calendar on the township website.

Jennifer Lubliner asked what happened to the Press at these events.

Nick Pirro asked who posts on the township Facebook page. And recommend Instagram.

Meeting schedule and contact list will be sent out - meetings to be held the first Tuesday of every month.

Grand Openings and Business Updates

Fox and Bear last week
Hey hut this Friday
Smokey's has a new chef pop up
Car wash and gas station coming up
Cannabis stores popping up
Healthy thymes planning partnership with a large cannabis company from CA


Nick Pirro: why are the business owners not invited to the grand openings? Stephanie Scilingo said that she posts it on our social media as an invite to all and sends it out to the chamber members.

Ed DeYoung: New York has like a restaurant program or a two for one on the theatre tickets.

Jennifer Hopper mentioned our coupon program for restaurants.

Jennifer Lubliner discussed how we all have the same goals and the different groups should be working together. Having all of the committees working together instead of against each other. We can achieve bigger goals this way.


Motion to adjourn Nick Pirro and Ed DeYoung second all in favor at 8:16