The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Statement of Compliance
Salute to the Flag
Attendance roll call:
Jennifer Lubliner
Nicholas Pirro
Keren Gonen
Ed DeYoung
Susan Berkley-on phone
Sally Rinker
Stephanie Munson
Public Participation: Keren Gonen made the motion to open the meeting to the public, second by Susan Berkley. All in favor.
No public in attendance
Motion made to close the meeting to the public made by Keren Gonen, second by Ed DeYoung. All in favor.
Vote on 2022 Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Jennifer Lubliner was nominated for Chairperson. Nicholas Pirro was nominated for Co-Chairperson. All in favor
Vote on January 2022 minutes.
Changes consisted of: Meeting Agenda to Meeting minutes on the title; "The mayor asked Nick Pirro if he designed the new logo" Should read "worked on" instead of "created".
Nicholas Pirro made the motion to accept the minutes of January 2022 with changes, Ed DeYoung seconded the motion. All approved.
Mission Statement and Charter:
Jennifer Lubliner summarized the reading of the Mission Statement and Charter. Page two on Confidentiality and disclosure agreements: All were asked to state what business they were associated with as to not have a conflict with other businesses.
Sally Rinker-Builder
Keren Gonen-Real Estate
Stephanie Munson-All natural insect control, plus environmental contamination.
Nick Pirro-Logistics manager Mountain Creek
Jennifer Lubliner- Office Manager for a HVAC company
Ed DeYoung-Retired 13 years Defense Sub Contractor
Susan Berkley- Pharmaceutical marketing for 29 years
Page three-requesting a budget that will accommodate the creation of a website for the EDAC on the Township website.
Jennifer Lubliner mentioned the photos needed of the four seasons in Vernon. Maybe a photo club or Recreation Department's new hire can take pictures to put on the website.
Jennifer Lubliner explained the "Scenic By-way" there are eight total in New Jersey. The Historical Society will be doing a presentation at the March Council meeting. Scenic Byway is great to have in town. Some tri-fold signs have a "scan" to see what other attractions are in the area.
We have a new web-master in town. We would like to work on a better marketing campaign but we are not quite ready for it yet. We want to fix the issues with the town first.
Everyone was in agreement to holding meetings once a month instead of twice a month.
Sign Ordinance:
Discussion as to what is acceptable and not acceptable in Vernon. All were sent a copy of the current sign ordinance. Jennifer Lubliner discussed having banners across the roads to announce events in Vernon. We need to have an easier access to permits.
Process updates and recommendations to the Mayor:
Jennifer Lubliner suggested a new hire to be a part time coordinator or Business advocate to help the public find what they are looking for and steer them in the right direction. Nick Pirro made the motion to hire, second by Keren Gonen.
Jennifer Lubliner-yes
Nick Pirro-yes
Keren Gonen-yes
Ed DeYoung-no
Susan Berkley-yes
Sally Rinker-no
Stephanie Munson-yes
Approved to ask for new hire.
Intern/mentorship program:
Jennifer Lubliner updated Ed DeYoung on the idea (see past minutes). Jennifer Lubliner has talked to three different DECA coordinators and will update us at a later date.
New Business Updates:
Not licensed Cannabis stores in Vernon: Highland lakes (old Candy Store), and "Big Smoke" by the Daily Bean. The Car Wash is coming and last month had artist renderings of the building.
Healthy Thymes is looking into the California Cannabis Company and has put in requests to change an ordinance for the proximity to a park. The Council will hear a second reading at the next council meeting.
Committee Member Comments:
Sally Rinker mentioned the new Vernon Seal on the wall. She stated it needs to be voted on by the council and is not approved. The Mayor can adopt but not approved. Jennifer Lubliner said it is currently being used on Town stationery.
Ed DeYoung- no comment
Nick Pirro-Shall we put a letter in non-support of the pump track property?
The Council meeting is on Monday for the second reading of the ordinance.
Ed DeYoung stated that we should send the letter again about our board's advisement for the record. We are all against the purchase of the Baldwin Property.
Ed DeYoung made the motion to resend the letter of non-support, second by Nicholas Pirro. All in favor.
Motion to adjourn made Sally Rinker, second by Stephanie Munson. Meeting ended at 8:55 PM
Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Coulson