Meeting held on ZOOM

Jennifer Lubliner called the meeting to order. Present were:

Jennifer Lubliner, Nicholas Pirro, Dan Segal, Joseph DeFalco, , Carmine ---, Jessie Paladini, Stephanie Scillingo, Debbie Coulson

Jennifer Lubliner read the Statement of Compliance

Salute to the Flag

Shop Vernon Program Presentation:

Carmine gave information to the Committee the merchant pays for the program, it is deductible to taxes, and is considered a marketing expense. This is now an application with no card needed. If you have seniors that are not able to use a smart phone, help is available. Simply download the App, login and the code is your phone number. You can also see who participates in the program

Joseph De Falco stated it was a marketing tool for merchants. You get two e-mail blasts per month. They highlight one merchant a month. Posted can be the deal of the month, etc. During COVID they communicated special deals, hours and delivery. Also the merchant can go on the terminal for customer information, and to see the traffic flow of customers.

Jennifer Lubliner stated that it is like a Loyalty Program. Instead of a discount at the time of sale it is a property tax credit.

For example: a $10 monthly fee to merchant and the merchant decides on what amount to give to the customer. A percentage goes to the Administration and a percentage goes to town taxes or cash rebate.

Carmine stated that if a Town does not want to pay percentage to Administration a lump sum can be calculated and paid to the Administration and then all the money goes to the town or rebate.

Carmine mentioned the statistics of other towns. For example Brick Township gets $50-60,000 tax rewards using the card.

Dan Segal asked how many use the Shop Vernon Card

Jessie Paladini stated that out of the 21 merchants only 4 are using the program. There are better programs we can use.

Jennifer Lubliner stated it was a lack of advertising and no one in charge of the program. She suggests Social Media and Welcome Wagon

As far as grant requests Carmine stated it would have to go through the Town as a request. This item is no final yet and still being worked on

This Program does not have the larger corporation but usually small private businesses. (Ex: Dunkin Donuts)

Dan Segal stated that he is a fan of the program and that Carmine is providing a platform and it is spirit driven with joint effort there are no losers in it.

Stephanie Scillingo said that the Business owners have to own the program

Dan Segal said that we haven’t scratched the surface yet of what we can do. Twenty six other towns have the card. Visitors can use their cards and get cash rebates. Lego Land is coming to the area. We should advertise the shopping

Jessie Paladini asked how this helps other towns

Dan Segal stated that homeowners get a tax rebate or cash rebate. It will attract tourists and create a lot of potential for business. Dan had a spreadsheet and tracked cards used.

Jennifer Lubliner stated that now you download the App for the sheet

Joseph DeFalco asked Jessie Paladini about what “other programs”

Jessie Paladini mentioned the Historical Society has a card with 10% discounts and higher. The new memberships start new month.

Carmine stated that nothing goes back to taxes.

Stephanie Scillingo asked if the Farmers Market can use it

Jennifer Lubliner said “yes” you do not need a physical address and can even use it online.

Jennifer Lubliner asked if there were additional questions.

Stephanie Scillingo asked about window logos for the program

Carmine has a few and Dan Segal stated they can have banners for Shop Vernon Here

Respectfully Submitted
Debbie Coulson, Recording Secretary